
Developer with theoretical physics background

Till 2013 I was a Theo­re­ti­cal physics researcher, I was actively investigating intriguing properties of fundamental theories governing our Universe. Supersymmetry and general relativity were two main topics of my research.

Since then I moved to programming and the passage was quite smooth due to the fact that actually I'd always been programming when doing my research.

To be a researcher means that one should always study new things and reconcile them with previously studied ones.

This approach accounts for my passion for getting deep understanding of various programming concepts and paradigms and their implementation in programming languages.

Another field of computer science that I find absolutely fascinating and that I study as well is machine learning.


Machine learning
Neural networks, artificial intelligence
Android application development
Reactive approach, Firebase, Gradle, unit and functional testing
Java web application development
Spring Boot, unit and functional testing
Programming languages
Kotlin, Java, Php, Javascript


Platforms Windows, Linux
Programming languages
Java, Kotlin, PHP, JavaScript, Delphi (Object Pascal)
in-depth knowledge
Python, TypeScript, Ruby
weaker knowledge
Tools Git, IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, Sublime Text 3
Web technologies &frameworks
html, css, xml, json, yaml, Bootstrap, Yii, Ruby on Rails
user-level knowledge
Symbolic computation software Wolfram Mathematica

Working experience

Jul 2013 – present Programmer
Oct 2006 – Jan 2013 Postdoc at LNF, INFN (Frascati, Italy)
Feb 2004 – Oct 2006 Scientific researcher, Bogo­liu­bov Labo­ra­to­ry of The­o­re­ti­cal Physics, JINR, Dubna, Russia
Nov 2002 – Feb 2004 Scientific researcher, The­o­re­ti­cal Physics De­part­ment, Dnie­pro­pet­rovsk Uni­ver­si­ty, Ukraine
Jun 1997 – Feb 2004 Laboratory assistant, The­o­re­ti­cal Physics De­part­ment, Dnie­pro­pet­rovsk Uni­ver­si­ty, Ukraine

Education & formation

Aug 2017 Structuring Machine Learning Projects” by on Coursera, Licence Q9UEYZM48PLG
Aug 2017 Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization” by on Coursera, Licence QRJQH6MEAYQ3
Aug 2017 Neural Networks and Deep Learning” by on Coursera, Licence GVMUF35V3ZTF
Feb – Apr 2017 “Advanced Software Construction in Java” (EdX, MITx: 6.005.2x)
Sep – Dec 2016 “Software Construction in Java” (EdX, MITx: 6.005.1x)
May – Aug 2016 “Gradle for Android and Java” (Udacity)
Mar – May 2016 Study jams: android for beginners (GDG Rome)
Dec 2015 – Mar 2016 Machine Learning” by Stanford University on Coursera, Licence 87Y3XUG3RYU2
Mar – May 2015 University of Maryland, College Park “Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems: Part 2”
Jan – Mar 2015 University of Maryland, College Park “Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems: Part 1”
Mar – Apr 2015 Microsoft: DEV203x Introduction to Bootstrap (EdX)
Mar – May 2015 Microsoft: DEV201x Introduction to TypeScript (EdX)
Nov 2014 – Jan 2015 “Paradigms of Computer Programming – Abstraction and Concurrency” (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Sep – Nov 2014 “Paradigms of Computer Programming – Fundamentals” (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Jun – Ago 2014 “Introduction to Computing with Java” (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Apr – Jun 2014 “Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1” (Stanford University)
Jan – Mar 2014 “Introduction to Databases” (Stanford University)
Sep – Nov 2013 “Introduction to Systematic Program Design – Part 1” (University of British Columbia)
Aug – Sep 2013 CS169.2x “Advanced Software as a Service” (Berkeley University)
Jan – Feb 2013 CS169.1x “Software as a Service” (Berkeley University)
Feb 2007 PhD degree in Physics, Laboratory of Theo­re­ti­cal Physics, JINR, Dubna, Russia
Nov 1999 – Nov 2002
graduate studying at Theo­re­ti­cal Physics Department, Dnie­pro­pet­rovsk University, Ukraine.
Degree: MS in Physics, November 15, 2002.
Sep 1994 – Jun 1999
undergraduate studying at Dnie­pro­pet­rovsk University, Ukraine.
Degree: Specialist (BS) in Physics, June 30, 1999.
Diploma with Honors (summa cum laude)